I REMEMBER … A Jubilee Celebration funded by The Community Foundation for Calderdale 

It is 1952 … and Britain is threadbare, bombed-out, financially and morally exhausted. Its major cities are still bomb-sites, and it is almost impossible for many families to borrow money, rationing is harsher than ever, and there is an acute shortage of decent housing. Morally and culturally, Britain is “white, Christian, and deferential”. The Empire is on the wain, and, increasingly, emphasis shifts to building new relationships with the people of the Commonwealth.

On the sudden death of her father, into this ‘State of the Nation’ is thrust a 25 year old woman … the first female monarch for over 100 years … a symbol of ‘modernity’, ’post-war progress’ … change.

In 1952 other young women emerge onto the cultural and social landscape … women who will fight for change, and for greater rights and equality for all women.

As part of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, we wanted to hear from a diverse range of local women and discuss how the UK had changed for them in the last 70 years.

I remember having to wear a dyed raincoat to school because my Mum couldn’t afford to buy the proper one

I remember the orange biscuit tin that I used to steal digestives from

I remember the monsoon rains in the village and seeing hundreds of frogs jumping everywhere

I remember the first slap not only on my face but on my soul

I remember closing my eyes and drawing letters in the blackness

I remember the first heartbeat of my daughter inside me

We created a piece of immersive theatre led by ONE VOICE – a group of women committed to bringing about change through art and performance. We want to capture the fragments of lives lived, glimpses back into childhood – the seven ages of women over the course of seven decades. The seemingly small, the mundane, the life-changing … everything will be reflected through the prism of community life and all will blossom in importance and relevance.

We took over the cafe at: SQUARE CHAPEL ARTS CENTRE in Halifax and invited other local women to “Bring a special ‘I Remember…’

“I would like to say thank you for inviting us to the ’I REMEMBER’ event. It was beautiful. I really, really enjoyed it. Sharon and Jeff are doing a great job, especially bringing communities together.

I had eight ladies with me from our community – ladies who struggle with emotional and physical health and well-being.This was the first time ever they came to Square Chapel. They sat down with the different people from different communities.And they really enjoyed it … They said that they had not had this kind of contact before with people from the other communities, so thank you!

I would love to say again and again, you are doing a great job. You are very good talking to the people, understanding their issues and listening to them.The ladies who I have referred to your company for emotional well-being support say they are very, very happy when they are attending your sessions.

I really enjoyed this event myself as well. It was a beautiful event … where you talked about yourself, who you are, what you’re coming from, where are you coming from? And what kind of barriers do you have, coming to live here in Halifax? When you come from a different country?

Every person was talking about their different lives – I was amazed … by the stories and the openness and honesty of the women. I know South Asian women born and brought up here, and what kinds of difficulties they have experienced.And attending these kinds of events is opening our minds up. It’s not, you know, only that we are suffering, we’re coming from a different background with language and the culture are different.The people who are born here, brought up here with English as their first language, they’ve got barriers as well, different barriers, different problems. So it’s learning from each other. A beautiful event …”
Samina Arshad, Community Support Worker – Calderdale MBC